Colorado Peeps

To my fellow Coloradoans, as you may or may not be aware as of 1 July 2022, anything you buy that is delivered by an automobile must include a $0.27 line charge. So if you order from me, amazon, grubhub or anywhere else that is in Colorado to you in Colorado the fee must be collected and sent to the state. As of right now I this site host, squarespace, does not have a way to make sure I collect it only from the right people and list it separately as a line item as required. For the time being I will just simply eat that fee and pay the state, but going forward when the site does catch up you may see this fee added on. This is not something I get to keep and is not optional, though I do believe if you pick it up in person this fee is not applicable at this time but sadly isn’t an option for merch.

I will of course update as this is addressed, as it does not only impact my site but any store currently selling online with a presence in state.

On a brighter note Colorado Springs Comic-Con is right around the corner, with that said I have not yet decided if I will only be attending or if a table is a good idea. You may have noticed I have listed a deposit option for Cosplay commissions. Currently working on one and will take on a few a year as time allows, both mine and the printers, so if you have something you have been itching to get made shoot me a message and see if I can help make that dream come true.


Something spooky this way comes.


Its gonna be May